FLUKO Flughafenkoordination Deutschland GmbH is responsible for the coordination, i.e. binding slot allocation, and schedule facilitation of all inbound and outbound flights according to Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operating to 16 international airports in Germany with more than 2.1 million slots.
Highest possible efficiency
The aim of slot coordination and schedule facilitation is to achieve the highest possible efficiency level of airport capacity utilization. In addition to scheduled and charter traffic, the coordination duties of Fluko GmbH also include the coordination of general aviation flights, business flights, private flights and military flights.
Slot monitoring
Moreover, Fluko GmbH is responsible for slot monitoring, i.e. for scrutinizing the coordinated traffic on the basis of allocated slots. The purpose of slot monitoring is to control whether:
operated and compulsory coordinated flight movements were duly coordinated,
The flight schedule published by an airline corresponds to the slots coordinated,
Coordinated slots were duly operated,
Un-used slots were handed back on-time.